Are the Changes We’re Seeing Positive for Bali?

I set out 8 years ago now to embrace the concept of sustainability and try to bring it to as many people as possible, first of all by education, though a series of very well-attended seminars and conferences, covering important subjects like Sustainable Fashion, Sustainable Buildings and Architecture, and How to Create Smart Cities. Then

The Delights of Driving in Bali

Do you know how Google Maps works? It is absolutely brilliant, but I have absolutely no idea how it operates! I imagine that there is GPS positioning that somehow tells my phone where I am, which also  somehow knows when I tell my phone where I am and somehow when I tell it to go

Our Publisher Looks Back at Fifteen Years of NOW! Bali

I perhaps should not tell you this, but I didn’t really want to start NOW! Bali. I was perfectly happy publishing two marvellous magazines called Jakarta Java Kini (JJK) and Hello Bali, but my partner at the time had other ideas and took over the company, leaving me with a bit of a dilemma since

Lessons from Japan

Many think of Japan as a high-tech, industrial powerhouse, perhaps waning in the shadow of China’s mega-economy, but nonetheless, still an example of efficiency and innovation. Behind that, diligence, dedication and sheer hard work. And we would not be wrong. Japan has not faded, it has only recently been overshadowed.  Outside of the global economy,

Bali’s Own Version of ESG

Sustainability is, thankfully, all the rage these days, as people finally get to grips with their personal and corporate responsibilities to the planet and to the communities in which they live. Some people measure their personal carbon footprint to try to limit the damage they do to the environment through travelling by plane, train or

Homogenisation, Dilution and Disorganisation

Sounds like a food processing factory, doesn’t it? But that’s not what I’m talking about; it all refers to our much loved, but not much cared for, destinations, here in Indonesia, and to a great extent, all over the world.  I used to be in the insurance business and we spent a lot of time

Branding the ‘Perfect Island’

Do you instinctively know if something is right or possibly more easily feel it when something is wrong? Do you stop and go “hmmm, that ain’t quite right”. Or are you a “shrugger” and just say it’s really not your business? I’m afraid I am very much one of the former. I spend a lot

Bali’s New Year Resolutions

This article is available as a Podcast episode. Listen here: 2022 was an important year of recovery for Bali and, with a sigh of relief, we can see that the economy has bounced back and that the business, communities and individuals are not only surviving, but thriving! How far we have come from the desperate

50 Thrifty Ways to Help Save Bali and the Planet

Every day we make choices in our lives that affect the environment, the climate and other species that we share in this amazing world with. But there’s actually a lot more that we can do to reduce our environmental footprint to leave more room – and better conditions – for wild animals and plants. Of course,

Maintaining the Balance of Nurture

No, it’s not a typo, it’s just a play on words, hopefully with a deeper meaning, which I will try to explain! We are all now so conscious of the whole climate change factors, the constant babble about bringing emissions down to zero, reducing energy usage, converting to renewables, recycling, repurposing and refusing, etc. etc.,

Restarting Bali, The Little Picture

We are now beginning to see a few good initiatives taking place for the reopening of Bali. There are flights coming in — thanks to Garuda Indonesia, as well as Singapore Airlines, who have been huge supporters over the years which most will not remember, but they gave away 1000 seats after the Bali bombings

What Will Indonesia’s New Capital City Do For Bali?

The recent decision by Indonesia’s parliament to endorse and fund President Jokowi’s bold plan to create a new capital city for Indonesia in East Kalimantan sets the project firmly into gear. Welcome to “Nusantara”.  Pride of place, of course, goes to Bali’s own Nyoman Nuarta who has designed the new Presidential Palace and Parliament Buildings

Bali’s Recovery: Who Said It Would Be Easy?

According to the World Bank’s 2021 Report, Indonesia’s economy actually expanded by 3,5% in 2021. Well you could have fooled Bali’s population who believe that Indonesia is on the brink of bankruptcy. It’s not. Only Bali feels like it is.  The World Bank Report stated: “The Indonesian economy continued to rebound in 2021 despite some

Now Bali