
The Garden of Life: Where Charities Blossom

The Garden of Life Foundation is an incredibly unique and ambitious project here in Bali that aims to unite people, communities and businesses together to help the island’s existing charities to grow further and continue to prosper. Sadly, Bali is not immune to the environmental, socio-economic, health or other problems that are found around the

NOW Bali Editorial Team

Stella’s Child: Empowering Bali’s Youth

For young people, looking for employment in today’s world can be a trialling experience. This is even truer for those who have not benefited from appropriate preparation for what can be a long journey ahead. Stella’s Child is a foundation here in Bali that is addressing this issue, focusing on equipping underprivileged children with the

East Bali Poverty: Helping People to Help Themselves

Established in 1998 by Englishman David Booth, East Bali Poverty Project (EBPP) is a non-profit organization that focuses on improving the lives of people from the mountain villages in east Bali. Forgotten by time and progress, thousands of disadvantaged people in 19 sub-villages were living in abject poverty without water, sanitation, roads, schools, health facilities

Saving the Strays

Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA) is a non-profit organisation that works to save, protect and improve the lives of all animals in Bali. Founded by Janice Girardi, an American jewellery designer, BAWA is carrying the mission of improving the lives of Bali’s animals through rescue, rehabilitation, education and advocacy. They provide emergency response and rescue,

A Helping Hand For The Children of Bali

Bali Children Foundation (Yayasan Samiarsa Seminyak) provides educational opportunities for disadvantaged children in Bali. Working mostly in North and West Bali, the foundation offers education scholarships for over a thousand children at school, about 40 in University and delivers English teaching and Computer studies classes to over 1,500 children in 36 communities. While the foundation

Puspadi Bali: Keeping Bali on the Move

In 1999, Puspadi was founded by Nengah Latra to assist people with physical disabilities in Bali. The foundation runs a program manufacturing and providing wheelchairs and artificial legs from their workshop at the Annika Linden Centre. Currently they have 20 staff, 16 of whom have physical disabilities themselves – with this workforce Puspadi has served

How a-Dory-able!

Located in the small coastal fishing village of Les in north Bali, the LINI Aquaculture and Training Centre is a hive of activity.  Although the buildings for the Centre are still in the final stages of construction, marine conservation work at the Centre has already well and truly begun. This is the largest project Yayasan

One Smile Goes A Long Way

“I think most of us would say that we want to “make a difference”. Whether that “difference” impacts one person or millions of people, it’s still important. If you have advantages, you also have responsibilities. I believe that very much.” Arriving at the humble office in Denpasar, we were warmly welcomed by Mary Northmore-Aziz, the

Bali’s Water Crisis – We Still Have Time Before 2020

A conversation with Ade Andreawan, Executive Officer of Bali Water Protection (BWP) programme, reveals the somewhat shocking truth about Bali’s water supply and how carelessness is depleting our natural stocks. It took me about an hour from Denpasar to reach the IDEP’s Headquarters, Demonstration Garden, and Training Centre which is located in a green and

For The People, The Environment and The Birds

  The Begawan Foundation was born in 2001, founded by a couple Debbie and Bradley Gardner, who were also the creators of Begawan Giri Estate, however their efforts to conserve nature and take care of people’s health and education took place long before the establishment of the foundation. NOW!Bali had a wonderful meeting with Bradley

Biowear Bali: ‘I AM NOT PLASTIC’

As tourism is Bali’s biggest industry, it’s of utmost importance that it remains a place visitors enjoy coming to. However, with the lack of proper waste management systems and poor environmental education, Bali suffers from littering, overflowing landfills and rivers and beaches lined with rubbish. Plastic is by far the most common material found in

Escaping Poverty

This month, NOW! Bali speaks to David Booth, founder of East Bali Poverty Project, to hear his story and learn more about the works of this fantastic foundation. David was born into a poor family in England. At school, he worked hard and kept on thinking how he could make his life better. With his

Making Bali Plastic Free

Sisters Isabel and Melati Wijsen are on a mission to ban the use, sale and production of plastic in their home island, Bali. Their campaign Bye Bye Plastic Bags has caught the attention of the likes of Ban Ki-Moon and Jane Goodall, and has been key in increasing awareness around garbage disposal. We spoke with

Now Bali