
The Magic of Language

Once upon a time in a mystical land some called “The Island of the Gods” there was strange and beautiful language called “Bahasa Indonesia” spoken, and all the brave adventurers who came to this unspoilt island, had to learn this difficult language or face serious consequences. They had to find phrase books, dictionaries and massage

Alistair G. Speirs
Bedugul Botanical Garden (4)

The Bedugul Botanical Garden : A Nature-Filled Refuge

The highlands of Bedugul are begging to be explored – green, cool and full of adventure. It is the perfect escape from the sweltering heat of the island’s southern coast, making it an ideal destination for a family day out. These verdant hills can best be explored on foot within the sweeping landscape of Bedugul

Pride and Perspective: Comparing Scotland to Bali

I have just returned to Indonesia from Scotland for a short trip and once again feel compelled to compare the way in which each country approaches tourism. There are a lot of similarities between Scotland and Bali: each are a small part of a greater country, UK and Indonesia, each are filled with natural beauty,

Ubud’s First Family of Royal Indokrupuk

Last month, representatives from Ubud’s Rent-a-prince and Gay Rotary Ubud community, all gathered at Ibah Warwick, the Kerthyasa-owned hotel, for a blessing ceremony for the wedding of Tjok Sri Maya Kerthyasa and her Australian husband Marcus Tesoriero. ‘Indokrupuk’ means mixed blood or half-caste. It is my favourite word in the Indonesian (slang) language, because so

Bogan Heroes

To be fair, however, it’s hard to justify the constant Facebook shrieking — by the West Coast Expat herbal suffragettes, lead by Conan the Librarian (Susi Johnston) — about environmental degradation, street crimes and pollution when the expat C.U.B. (Cashed Up Bogans) themselves are responsible for some pretty irresponsible and illegal development, particularly along the

Disturbing Facts

Way back in the nineteenth century an English philosopher called John Stuart Mill wrote an essay called “On Liberty”. This defined the individuals drive for self improvement, their desire to “better their station” in life, as the sole source of true freedom. But he qualified this by saying that these efforts must not impede the

A Cleansing Ritual at Tirta Sudamala

The melukat cleansing ceremony is an important part Balinese ritual, and at Tirta Sudamala holy springs, you too can be purified the Balinese way: More than half of our bodies are made up of water. This essential liquid is needed by the brain to manufacture hormones, it helps to deliver oxygen to our body parts, regulate our

Guwang’s Hidden Canyon

From downtown Seminyak, packed with fine establishments, and the ranks of starred and luxury resorts in Nusa Dua to the coastal villages of Amed and lush greenery of Jembrana, Bali is filled with both astonishing man-made and breathtaking natural attractions. But if you look closer, there are hidden gems throughout the island waiting to be

Bali’s Wild Side

I have been documenting Bali for 40 years now — writing this column for almost 25 years — and I am sick of trying to explain the irrational. People often ask me why the Balinese are always flailing about and pulling the heads off chickens and I always feel like answering ‘Because you’re a twit’. I

Sacred Sites By The Pakerisan River

Locked between the stands of verdant jungle, the pure waters of the Pejeng and Pakerisan streams gurgle their way over rocks and convoluted water courses. These two rivers form a holy rectangular area that is home to many ancient monuments. This area was once alive with monks and seers. “Rishis” or holy men came from

Braving The Canyon

Sports is one of those things that we are always encouraged to do. However, many of us are often not sure of which sports activities to participate in, or which are the most appropriate for our lifestyles. I remember a time when I used to say I was too busy for any sport, because I

Now Bali