Even while the Holy mountain rumbles, life in Bali goes on. The Balinese tend to take life as it comes, living in the moment, rather than fretting about what may or may not happen sometime in the future.

Here, people from all different walks of life – farmers, tourist people and old folk working in the market, or just living out their days serenely, show their spirit and their love of life.
From the mountains, to the sea, life just goes on and whenever possible, with time for a laugh. They do love to joke and that is just one of their many endearing traits. Spare time to go visit with the Balinese on your next trip – it is always rewarding and maybe try to bring some clothes or gifts of food to ease the lives of those interned in camps, to escape the depredations of Mt. Agung when he finally goes.
Photos By Ayu Sekar