The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in Bali has led to many locals losing their jobs and livelihoods. To help those affected by the pandemic, Social ImpaKt launches a crowdfunding campaign to provide families in need with water filters for clean drinking water.

Social ImpaKt

Founded in 2014 by Jeroen van Overbeek, Social ImpaKt is an organisation that focuses on improving access to clean drinking water in remote areas and urban centres of Indonesia by providing a simple, affordable and eco-friendly water filtration technology. 1 in 5 child deaths around the world are caused by waterborne diseases and in Indonesia alone, 27,000 children die from diarrhoea each year. Since its establishment, not only has Social ImpaKt provided clean drinking water to 265,000 people in Indonesia, they’ve also helped improve the health and income of these people.

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With borders closed and flights stopped due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many families, especially underprivileged ones, are highly effected. 80% of Bali’s economy comes from tourism and with essentially no tourism during this time, many have lost their jobs and livelihoods. The poor and vulnerable are the ones that suffer, and in times of crisis like this require help.

Clean drinking water is a daily essential every person needs but tap water in Bali is not drinkable. Therefore, the options are either to buy bottled water or to boil water on wood or gas, which are both costly. Social ImpaKt has come up with the solution of using Nazava water filters, which is 5 times cheaper than boiling water and 30 times cheaper than purchasing bottled water per litre. Using water filters also eliminates the hassle of going out to buy water and also helps reduce plastic bottle consumption.

The safety of the water filters has been tested in multiple laboratories and has been approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The ceramic filter is a Dutch technology and can last up to 3 years, which can then be replaced with a new one.

One water filter unit costs US$ 20 and Social ImpaKt aims to fundraise US$ 10,000, which can provide 500 water filters to 500 families in Bali and provide 2500 people with clean drinking water. These water filters will be distributed to families in most need throughout the villages of Bali.

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As of 13 May 2020, Social ImpaKt has raised US$ 8,300, which is 83% of their US$ 10,000 goal. If you would like to help Social ImpaKt reach their goal, click here! No amount is too small, for only US$ 20 you can provide clean drinking water to a family for 3 years!

Social ImpaKt
+62 812 3677 2842

Brian Sjarief

Brian Sjarief

Brian is an Associate Editor at NOW! Bali. He developed his central interest in the arts from an early age, pursuing his studies in Motion Pictures & Television in San Francisco with a focus on screenwriting. Through this long-held passion for film, he now channels his creativity into storytelling, be it written, visual or otherwise.