I was delighted to be invited to two great events last month, by two very different organisations, but both headed by, shall we call them, “Champions of Sustainability”.

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Bali Adventure Tours’ new amazing complex, featuring the astonishing combination of Jungle Buggies and chocolate factory, just south of the Elephant Safari Park, is an example of how to integrate good design into good business based on real principals of sustainability. The main restaurant with it’s a beautiful cathedral–like roof, is completely made of bamboo, one of the fastest growing renewable woods available. But the thing I most enjoyed is the underground parking for their ATV’s. It’s out of sight and sound, covered by grass and trees and koi ponds. This is the way to build “new Bali” not the idiotic, inefficient, non-Balinese “rukos” which line virtually every street. Well done Nigel.

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Avani is a very progressive social enterprise trying very hard to get everyone to change from plastic to their biodegradable, plant based alternatives, and with some success. Their party at the fashionable Da Maria restaurant in Petitenget brought together many like-minded people, all dedicated to preserving nature, culture and heritage, focused on organic farming, ethical business and corporate responsibility. Kevin and Dan, who are leading Avani, are preachers to the converted and the unconverted. Adrian the owner of Da Maria and Mexicola is a dedicated agent of change. It was an impressive show of strength by Bali’s Eco-Warriors.

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But what is so depressing for me is why is this all necessary? Why are there not government rules – and actions – and legislation to enforce good practices?

Why are eco-warriors necessary? Who exactly are they fighting? Let’s get to the source of the problems not the symptoms. We need to get everyone involved in this war so that Eco-Warriors just aren’t necessary anymore. Business, Government, Leaders, Media, Consumers – are you all ready?

You need to be – the war has begun!

Alistair G. Speirs

Alistair G. Speirs

Alistair G Speirs, OBE, is the Publisher of NOW! Magazines. He has been in the publishing, advertising and PR business for the last 25 years. He started both NOW! Bali and NOW! Jakarta as each region's preferred community magazine.