Strengthening the bonds among the island’s hospitality leaders, the association of Indonesian Hotel General Managers (IHGM) held its first charity programme through a ‘fun bike’ event. With starting point taking place at the newly established Padma Resort Ubud in Puhu village, the general managers cycled through the surrounding villages and made a stop at the pristine Elephant Safari Park in Taro village, before finally heading back to Padma Resort Ubud.
The association was founded as a means of communication and discussion between hotel and villa leaders on how to improve the hospitality industry in Bali, and how to apply responsible social and eco practices that will also benefit the local community and the environment, among other aspects. As part of the fun bike, IHGM was supporting a local elementary school in the Puhu region by handing out donations such as books, sports and science class equipment. IHGM’s mangrove rehabilitation programme has been scheduled to take place in the near future.