Looking for somewhere to let the kids run free while you can sit and enjoy a coffee or a meal on the side? Berawa’s Tamora Gallery may just be the place you’re looking for.

Canggu has been growing into a huge tourism destination over the last few years. What was once a sleepy beachfront, Berawa Beach and its surrounding area has become an international village. Tamora Gallery, a semi-outdoor lifestyle complex, is one of the area’s latest additions, becoming a regular destination for families.

Tamora Gallery Canggu Berawa
Photo courtesy of Tamora Gallery

Whilst Bali has many experiences for families, few are casual destinations that allow kids and parents to walk in and simply enjoy at their own pace.

That’s precisely what has made the shopping and dining arcade of Tamora Gallery so popular: whilst the complex caters to many different crowds, in one area they have catered specially for children, having installed a immersive outdoor playground, complete with a towering jungle gym, slides, tunnels, an artificial hill, merry go round, swings, see-saw and park-like area. Come the weekend, or late afternoon, the area is teeming with young children playing and making new friends.

Tamora Gallery Swings - Berawa Canggu
Photo courtesy of Tamora Gallery

The way which Tamora is designed, snaking its way through three different areas, the outdoor play areas are in perfect view of nearby cafés and restaurants that have become the impromptu sidelines for parents to sip a coffee or a bite of cake whilst being able to keep an eye on their little ones.

That’s not all though – there is a lot this unassuming Canggu arcade has up its sleeve.

If skateboarding is your kid’s thing, tell them to bring it along! As part of the outdoor recreation offerings at Tamora, they have built a mini skate-bowl in one of the corners. Here skaters of all ages have a go dropping-in and skating around – in-line skaters too.

Tamora Gallery Skate Area - Berawa Canggu

Near the playground and skatepark, one of Bali’s most unique indoor experiences can be found – and parents will love this too. Bali’s first Virtual Reality (VR) Lounge called White Rabbit has been the go-to destination for children, young teens and even curious adults looking to explore the virtual world. The ‘lounge’ presents an open area in which guests can hook up into the latest VR headsets and play immersive games, 360-degree experiences in new worlds and truly discover the depths of this mind-bending new entertainment technology. They offer games and experiences for many ages.

Last but not least, Tamora Gallery is home the Berawa Art House. Found at the back of arcade, appropriately situated next to Genesis Creative Center, Berawa Art House is one of Bali’s most popular art classes for kids.  This is the place where your kids can express their artistic soul, play with colours, explore drawing and painting across various medium, while at the same time learn painting techniques from Jorraine Lim, the artist & the founder of Berawa Art House.

The best days for families to go to Tamora Gallery is on Sunday, as this is their dedicated kids day. It seems like this lifestyle destination never runs out of ideas to provide kids with experiences and fun learning sessions. Their Kids Sunday offers a variety of activities from dancing class, honeycomb cutting experience, martial arts, robotics projects, science experiments and so on. Besides the main program, kids can also explore another activity like craft making, body painting, nail art, and others. Check their Instagram to find out what’s coming up!

It can be tricky when it is raining, but during good weather Tamora Gallery is where to go with kids in tow. Not only they get to play and drain the energy, meeting other kids and making new friends will shape up their social skills, and parents can have their “me time” without leaving the kids at home.

Tamora Gallery

Jalan Pantai Berawa No.99, Tibuneneng, Canggu