Lovingly presented by the creators of Coffee Cartel in Petitenget, Legian Cartel is a classy, intimate venue where you’ll find the same great coffee and best sellers from the Petitenget sister’s kitchen. With live roasting on sight out the back and busy little open kitchen in front Legian Cartel brings a new level of sophistication to the hood. The offerings here range from everything healthy to juicy. Among the items on the menu that your must try are“Double Royale W’ Cheese” with double beef patty, double cheddar cheese, house pickles, mustard, ketchup and aioli, and “Vegan Smak Waffles” with candy floss, mixed berries, banana nice-cream, and pink strawberry-coco poured over custard. The venue’s roastery has been set up for education and wholesale purposes; so if your looking to learn how to roast or are even opening a new cafe, the people at Legian Cartel are there for you to talk to.
Legian Cartel
Jalan Werkudara No.8, Legian, Kuta
+62 821 4525 1005