First of all, we highly recommend that you not to read this story while having a meal – especially those with vivid imaginations.

It is already common knowledge that the droppings of cows helps to make soil fertile. This is of course the very reason a visit to the Bali countryside has us holding our noses, as cow and cattle dung is spread around farms and kept in villages. However, despite fertilisation, there is a belief in Bali that this smelly substance has other, strange benefits.

In short, poo means luck. That’s right, it’s a simple formula that some Balinese believe. Now, that doesn’t mean Balinese families keep a jar of the stuff at home like a lucky charm. Fortunately, that’s not how this superstition works! Poo, for lack of a better word, is the mediator of luck. It is the sign that a person will soon receive a pleasant surprise, a blessing of some kind. The ‘sign’ can come as a dream, or perhaps in physical form. It’s hard to comprehend, but let us share some examples.

A Balinese woman who owns a little grocery shop behind the Carrefour department store building on Sunset Road was surprised when she won a huge fridge from a lottery. She said that the night before she won the fridge, a gecko in her house decided it was a good time to go number 2 – which fell right on top of her head. Another testimony came from a guy who runs a successful fried chicken kiosk just off Jalan Mahendradatta in Denpasar. He claimed that his business started running well after he had a terrible nightmare of being drowned in a pond flooded with excrement. 

Now, we can’t challenge you to prove whether or not this extraordinary, and rather obscure, superstition is true. But in case a bird or gecko aims its next toilet-time at you whilst you’re in Bali, don’t get upset, instead prepare yourself for something good to follow suit!.  

Namhar Hernanto

Namhar Hernanto

One of NOW! Bali's previous but long-standing editors who enjoys all of Bali’s offerings. On weekdays he enjoys deliberately getting lost, taking the wrong turn in distant villages, seeing what travel treasures he may find. Weekends are for indulgence, where you may catch him imbibing on a classic cocktail or savouring the pleasures of a fine dining establishment.