Since publishing this article, the Government has implemented an Emergency Lockdown across Java and Bali. This lockdown will take place from 3 – 20 July and includes updated regulations on domestic travel. For full details please visit: Bali Emergency Lockdown Regulations (July 2021).
Regulations have changed for domestic travellers coming to Bali, as stated in the latest Circular Letter from the Governor of Bali (Surat Edaran No 08. Tahun 2021); these regulations have been applied to keep Bali and its residents safe from the incoming domestic travellers, as other regions in Indonesia struggle with huge active case numbers.

The new regulations (stated below) will be applied on 28 June 2021 (with a socialisation period of two days, taking full effect on 30 June 2021) until further notice.
- Travellers coming to Bali by airplane are required to show a negative PCR Swab Test, with validity of up to 2 x 24 hours before departure. Swab tests are therefore no longer valid for those arriving via airplane.
- Travellers coming to Bali by land or sea are required to show a negative PCR Swab Test OR negative antigen test, with validity up to 2 x 24 hours before departure. (Previously 3 x 24 hours).
- To protect accuracy and authenticity, the letter of confirmation of that negative swab test must be complete with a scannable barcode or a QR code.
- Travellers are still required to fill in their details in the ‘e-Hac Indonesia’ App, which is scanned on arrival. (For air transportation only)
- Children under the age of 5 are not required to show test results.