Going Off-Road : Quad Bikes and Tubing

Ever wanted to feel like Lara Croft or Indiana Jones? Adventuring through many landscapes and terrains, going off the beaten track, cascading down rivers? Well, Bali’s great outdoors offer many experiences for adventure.  Bali Quad Discovery Tours offers a variety of ways for you to venture through Bali’s wild terrain, including quad biking, buggy rides

Behind Bali’s Sea Turtle Society

Indonesia is an archipelago blessed with a variety of natural wonders and exotic wildlife. There are a total of seven sea turtle species in the world, six of which grace the Indonesian waters! Although not widely recognised in the tourist spectacle, the world-famous Kuta Beach is a actually a nesting site for Olive Ridley Turtles,

Diving Tank-Free with Bali Marine Walk

Here in Bali, you can witness the dynamic spectacle of underwater life without a heavy oxygen tank on your back.  That’s right, you won’t need to attend a diving school nor get dressed in all your scuba gear – sea walking requires nothing but a waterproof helmet.  Bali Marine Walk is exactly as it sounds,

A Focus on Global Citizenship

With a cornucopia of experience teaching schools in the United States and Southeast Asia, Garth Wyncoll joined Bali Island School in 2018 as Head of School. He spoke to Sachi Kondo of NOW! Bali about the international focus of the curriculum, digital shifts, and environmental-driven student activities, as well as Bali finally being recognised as

Puzzles and Mysteries at Totem Room Escape Bali

Do you have what it takes to break free? In an unassuming, three-storey building on one of Seminyak’s busiest streets, a hidden experience offers tourists and passersby a thrilling, 50-minute adventure. Totem Room Escape is for the adventurous type; those who are up for an adrenaline pumping, mind-boggling challenge. If you’re keen on puzzles and

An Adventure at Bali Safari

Bali Safari Park, together with Taman Safari Indonesia, is at the frontline of animal conservation in Indonesia. Located in the Gianyar Regency, on the road heading east, this expansive park prioritises giving their guests an entertaining learning experience that can be enjoyed by all ages, whilst showcasing their commitment to safeguarding animals and endangered species. 

Power to the People : Businesses Giving Back to Bali

Community empowerment is quintessential to local development and people are increasingly acknowledging its significance. These community superstars are vital members of the island, champions with a cause. Theses are businesses that don’t just focus on the their bottom line, but the bottom line of those around them, making sure that others benefit from their success

Better Together: Communities Improving Bali Together

When great minds think alike, they create even greater things. In Bali, we believe the communities get together not to build money-making machines, but to form bonds within those who are deserve more attention; to pioneer a movement; to change the face of Bali or the world for the better. We’re positive that there are

Mother Huckers : A Hucking Good Time

Not exclusive to lumberjacks, axe throwing is a Canadian pastime that casually takes place in one’s backyard which has found a home in the heart of Bali. The sport may seem daunting but is an all-round fun activity to break a sweat and have a laugh with friends and family. Date nights, birthdays, or work

Tri Hita Karana : Bali Businesses Helping the Environment

The traditional philosophy for life in Bali, Tri Hita Karana, is the “three causes of well-being” or “their reasons for prosperity”. It is a Balinese Hindu lifestyle philosophy that is all about maintaining a harmonious balance between mankind (Pawongan), the environment (Palemahan) and God Almighty (Parahyangan).  Not only are local residents expected to abide by

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